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Windows System Error 52,New-NetNat เมื่อใช้ command New-NetNat on powershell


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Windows System Error 52,New-NetNat เมื่อใช้ command New-NetNat on powershell
« เมื่อ: มิถุนายน 27, 2021, 11:25:26 pm »
$Natswitchname = “OKD4-NATSwitch”
$NATNetwork = “”
$NATrouteraddress = “”
$NATPrefixLength = “24”
New-VMSwitch –SwitchName $Natswitchname –SwitchType Internal –Verbose
$natswitch = Get-NetAdapter | where {(($ -like (“vEthernet ($Natswitchname)”)))}
New-NetIPAddress $NATrouteraddress -PrefixLength $NATPrefixLength -InterfaceIndex $natswitch.interfaceindex -Verbose
$NATNetworkFull = $NATNetwork + “/” + $NATPrefixLength
New-NetNat -Name HyperV-NatNetwork -InternalIPInterfaceAddressPrefix $NATNetworkFull -Verbose

Windows System Error 52,New-NetNat

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UPDATE: My issue was solved by removing the existing NetNat object. Get-NetNat showed me an object already existed with the same subnet and I was able to manually fix the issue (if you're using a script, try removing (Remove-NetNat) the object and run the script again)
« แก้ไขครั้งสุดท้าย: มิถุนายน 27, 2021, 11:27:24 pm โดย nattasan »

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